Sedation Dentistry

Anxiety, fear and dental phobia can keep a person from seeking treatment when their teeth or gums are in need of dental care.

Dentists Specializing in Sedation and Relaxation

We offer a variety of sedation and relaxation techniques for those with mild, moderate or severe anxiety in our Port Charlotte, FL Dentist Office.

Dr. Carol W. Stevens is Certified in IV Sedation, Oral Sedation and Nitrous Oxide. She is licensed by the State of Florida to practice Dental Sedation techniques in Charlotte County.

The office of Dr. Carol W. Stevens is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and comfort for patients while utilizing the latest methods and techniques in periodontal healthcare.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide is used for mild to moderate anxiety and is the most frequently used dental sedation method, as it allows the patient to resume normal activities after the dental appointment.

Nitrous Oxide is a gas, also referred to as “laughing gas”, will relax a patient so there is no discomfort during the treatment. After the procedure, most patients have little or no memory of the dental visit and they feel fine.


How is Nitrous Oxide administered?

Nitrous Oxide is administered through an inhaler placed over the nose. Gas is released when breathing through the nose and the effects are felt within minutes. When Nitrous Oxide is inhaled it produces a variety of effects such as; fixated vision, disorientation, visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as a higher tolerance to pain. These effects completely disappear after the gas is turned off when the procedure is finished.

Dental Oral Sedation

For patients with mild to moderate anxiety, we offer Oral Sedation. It is safe and convenient and provides a relaxing, anti-anxiety effect that will make you feel more comfortable during your dental procedure.

How is Oral Sedation administered?

We will write you a prescription for medication that you will take in advance of your dental procedure. You will be relaxed and comfortable when arriving for the appointment. You will need someone to drive you.

  • Oral sedation is a popular treatment option because the medication is delivered in pill form and no needles are involved.
  • A local anesthesia is also administered to the area receiving treatment before the procedure begins.

Dental IV Sedation

For patients with a higher level of anxiety, we recommend IV Sedation which allows for a completely comfortable and pain free experience during multiple dental procedures.

Benefits of IV Sedation
  • IV Sedation is the most advanced form of Dental Sedation and allows for multiple procedures to be completed in one appointment.
  • IV Sedation is an excellent way to relieve fear, anxiety and stress during a dental procedure so that the patient is comfortable, relaxed and experiences no pain.
  • IV Sedation techniques result in very safe and efficient appointments, which can make for fewer trips to the dentist.
How Does IV Sedation Work?

Prior to the patients dental procedure a small IV is inserted into the bloodstream (typically a vein in the arm) and a sedative medication is given intravenously until the desired level is reached. The patient is monitored continuously throughout the procedure. Typically the area to be treated will also receive a local anesthesia.

After the dental procedure is completed the patient will feel relaxed, without pain or discomfort, and have little or no memory of the procedure.